- id
- password
- title
- first_name
- last_name
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
public class CreateCustomerDataFile {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final File f = new File("customers.csv");
final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f);
final String template = ""john.smithX@fake.com","password","Mr","John","Smith"n";
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=1; i<=500000; i++) {
// make the e-mail unique by replacing john.smithX with john.smith1 etc
// clear the StringBuilder
// initialise it to the template
// insert a unique number
fw.write(sb.replace(11, 12, String.valueOf(i)).toString());
By default the MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE command will load from the directory associated with the database that you are trying to load into, so once you have created the file, copy it to that location. e.g. on a Windows box, if the database you are using is called ecommerce_site, the directory will be something like C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0dataecommerce_site.
Then start up the MySQL command prompt with:
mysql -uadmin -ppassword
Once in the command prompt, you can read in the CSV with:
load data infile 'customers.csv' into table ecommerce_site.customer
fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"' lines terminated by 'n'
In this example you'll need to specify the field separator as the default separator is a tab. For more info on the command, see: